On 9 January 2008, 22-year-old Sophie Elliott was murdered by her ex-boyfriend Clayton Weatherston. Her mother, Lesley, formed the Sophie Elliott Foundation to help educate and protect young people from the kind of abusive relationships that ended her daughter's life.

Unreal films was approached to make a film that helped with this work. The result was Sophie’s Story, a film that works to tell Sophie’s story to young people in a way that gives them the tools to recognise unsafe relationships and act on them.
Unreal films was approached to make a film that helped with this work. The result was Sophie’s Story, a film that works to tell Sophie’s story to young people in a way that gives them the tools to recognise unsafe relationships and act on them. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In eget dolor id arcu condimentum vulputate ut a neque. Cras sed pharetra est. Aliquam quis turpis vel ipsum tristique sollicitudin quis sit amet nulla. Mauris eget fringilla odio. Praesent quis elementum massa, eget maximus enim. Proin sem elit, lobortis eget varius a.

We make powerful documentary films that strengthen communities, democracies and support human rights.

Unreal Team

Internationally recognised and multi-award-winning filmmaking company with 17 years of rock-solid experience producing a very wide range of top quality documentary films. We are experts in making documentary films to strengthen democracies and support human rights. We work internationally, focusing primarily in New Zealand, Australia and The Pacific. We have made well over 300 films, and have particular experience in subjects relating to democracy, community, indigenous culture, disability, and rights at work. The power in all our films comes from the remarkable people and communities they portray.

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